
Aída Díaz-Tendero
Researcher in the area of Politics, Economy and Society at the Research Center for Latin America and the Caribbean of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She holds a degree in Political Science and Sociology from the Unviersidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Spain. Master’s degree in Political Science and Sociology. Doctorate in Contemporary Latin America from the Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Post-doctorate at El Colegio de la Frontera Norte (ColMex) in Mexico. Fields of research: sociology of ageing, public policies and human rights of the elderly; and more broadly, relations between citizenship, welfare regimes/state, public policies and human rights. Visiting researcher at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the University of Deusto, at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and Public International Law in Heidelberg and at the Stanford Human Rights Center at Stanford University, California. Permanent lecturer of the Master’s Degree in Social Work at the National School of Social Work and the Erasmus Mundus Euroculture Master’s Degree, both taught at the UNAM as well as occasional lecturer in many programmes in Europe and Latin America.

Alina Georgiana Profiroiu
Professor at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies , Department of Administration and Public Management. Her research is focusing on local public administration, civil service and public administration reform, institutional and regional resilience . Between 2016-2018, she was member of the working group for Romania’s Administrative Code.

Ana Aleksić
Assistant professor at the Department of Organization and Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb. Her research interests include various aspects of organizational behaviour, with a special emphasis on the role of organizational design practices in shaping behaviour within different organizational levels. She is the author and co-author of several book chapters and journal publications and has participated as a consultant on several scientific and commercial projects.

Danguolė Oželienė
Professor at Vilnius University Business School. She graduated a PhD of Social Sciences at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Vilnius Tech). Currently is a member of European Marketing and Management Association (EUMMAS) and a member of research team Management of Contemporary Organizations (Vilnius Tech). She has 10 years of experience with research in the fields of sustainable development, corporate social responsibility, management and maintain focus on the concept of sustainable development and problematic aspects of implementation of potential for corporate sustainable development. She has been involve in various research projects, conducted research for the Lithuanian Hotels and Restaurants Association. Her scientific articles have been published in peer-reviewed journals such as Central European Business Review, Business Theory and Practice, Social Research. The results of the research have been shared in various international scientific conferences.

Ivana Načinović Braje
Assistant professor at the Department of Organization and Management, Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb, Croatia. Her research focus includes corporate culture, reward management issues and organization design. She has published more than 80 scientific and professional papers and book chapters. She also served as reviewer for several international scientific journals and academic conferences. She is active researcher at Croatian and international research projects. She was among main researchers for the Croatian Science Foundation-funded project. She participated in international projects FP7, Tempus and Erasmus+ mobility programmes and is currently taking part in an Erasmus+ KA203 – Strategic Partnerships for higher education project. She is member of Croatian Society of Economists and CRANET network.

José M. Ruano
Professor of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). His main research fields are public policy analysis, local governance, comparative public administration and reform of the State. Currently he is President of the Scientific Council of Entretiens Universitaires Réguliers pour l’Administration en Europe (EUROPA), international NGO, partner of the Council of Europe (, and has held management positions such as Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology and Director of the Centre for Advanced Management Studies of the UCM.

Kosjenka Dumančić
Associate Professor of Commercial Law and Vice-Dean for international relations and projects at Faculty of economics and business University of Zagreb where she teaches Commercial Law, Law of International Trade, European Company Law and European Market Law. She got master degree at “European studies” organized by Pantheon Assas, Paris II and University of Zagreb in 2003 and holds Ph.D. in European Law with thesis “Limits of the freedom to provide services in European Union”. She is the director of the Institute for Euro-Asian Studies of Faculty of economics and business. Her research interests are in the fields of European company law, European internal market law, International Law and collaborative economy. Currently, she is actively involved in an EU-funded Erasmus+ COLECO Project which aims to examine the impacts of the collaborative economy in Europe, focusing on peer-to-peer accommodation platforms. She is management committee member of three COST Projects.

Lara Johannsdottir
Professor at the University of Iceland (UIce) and a former academic director of the Environment and Natural Resources graduate programme (2019). She sits within the Faculty of Business Administration. She holds a PhD degree from UIce and a MBA degree from Thunderbird School of Global Management. Dr. Johannsdottir is a board member of the Institute of Business Administration, heads the Environmental and Sustainability Committee of the UIce, and is a former boardmember of the UI research fund, and the School of Social Sciences evaluation committee. She is a former Fulbright Arctic Initiative Scholar (2018-2019). Her papers have been published by Journal of Cleaner Production, Environmental Science and Policy, Ecological Indiscators, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Local Economy, Ocean & Coastal Management, Sustainability, and others. Book chapters have been published by Wiley & sons, Palgrave Macmillan and Springer. Her research focus is the business sector and CSR/corporate sustainability, sustainable business models, responsible investments, and systemic risk. Previously Dr. Johannsdottir worked within the insurance sector (1992-2006) and was a board member of a pension fund (2011-2019).

Laura Mina-Raiu
Lecturer at the Faculty of Administration and Public Management, Bucharest University of Economic Studies. She holds a Ph.D. in Management and an MA in English Language Education and Research Communication for Business and Economics. Her research interests lie in the area of public-private partnerships, good governance, public services management, quality management. She was member in several projects, many of them co-financed by the EU. She is author/co-author of 4 books, 1 book chapter, over 30 research articles. She is also an International Relations Officer within Bucharest University of Economic Studies, dealing with international university rankings (Times Higher Education) and international accreditations (EAPAA, AACSB etc).
Madlena NEN
Professor at Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand I” Bucharest and PhD supervisor within the Doctoral School of the Faculty of Management ASE (University of Economic Studies) Bucharest, Romania. She has PhD in Management and a master`s degree in Business Management with the Bucharest University of Economic Studies in Bucharest. She is a graduate of Faculty of Sociology, Political Science and Pedagogy from “Al.I. Cuza” University of Iasi.
As Head of Erasmus Programme in Romania and EEA Programme expert through National Agency for Community Programmes her main interest topic is the educational management. Other research interests includes: management, human resources management, internationalization, environmental management systems, strategic management and project management.

Maria Velasco
Associate Professor at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, at the Faculty of Policy Sciences, in the Political Science Department. Holds a Ph.D. in Political Science. Her field of research is public policy particularly tourism, cultural and urban policies. Co‐Principal Investigator in a project funded by the Spanish National R&D&I Plan financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Grants PID2019-104967RB-I00 (research project: GlobalGob 2030, and Grant CSO2016 -75470-R (research project: Transformations of the historical urban landscape caused by tourism: contradictions and controversies, government and governance). She is author of 1 book, 16 book chapters and reports, numerous peer‐reviewed articles in journals and conference proceedings. ORCID:; Research group (PoliTis)

Svala Gudmundsdottir
Professor at the University of Iceland School of Business. She also serves as the acting chairman for the Business Research Institute and MBA program. Her research field is within cross-cultural studies, human resources, and leadership. She has published in number of international journal and is the co-author of the book Demystifying Leadership in Iceland published by Springer. She has participated in number of international projects, research collaboration as well as a consultant to local and global companies. For the past 11 years Svala has been teaching change management, human resources and international management in the undergraduate, graduate, MBA and executive MBA program.

Throstur Olaf Sigurjonsson
Professor at the Faculty of Business Administration at the University of Iceland. His areas of research are corporate governance, business ethics, policy-making and policy implementation. Throstur has published more than 50 articles, books and book chapters in the last decade. He is also an academic at Copenhagen Business School, where he is part of a team of researchers in the field of corporate governance. Throstur leads two international research projects in the field of corporate governance. One deals with the impact of digital development on governance and the other with the impact of economic and social shocks on the dissemination of content in the field of governance, towards companies, institutions and teaching. Ten countries are participating in this research and over 40 researchers.
Clara Volintiru
Associate Professor in the Department of International Business and Economics (REI), at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE). She graduated a PhD from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and has been involved in various international research projects in the field of behavioural studies, good governance, informal exchanges and political economy. Her projects focused on Central and Eastern European and EU’s peripheries. She has conducted research for international organizations such as the World Bank, European Commission, OECD, Eurofound, or the Committee of Regions. Her recent publications appeared with Oxford University Press, Palgrave, Routledge, Springer, Peter Lang, Rowman & Littlefield and in such peer-reviewed journals as CESifo Economic Studies, Acta Politica, European Political Science Review, Eastern European Politics, or Research & Politics. Synthetic versions of her work are available in videoabstracts or such online platforms as Forbes, EUROPP, IPI Global Observatory, Emerging Europe, Global Policy or Huffington Post. She is currently Director of the Economic Opportunities and Financing the Economy Program at the Aspen Institute, and a German Marshall Fund ReThink.CEE fellow.

Rodica Milena ZAHARIA
Professor in the Department of International Business and Economics at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies from Romania. She has interdisciplinary training in economics and psychology. Dr. Zaharia’s research interests include areas such as corporate social responsibility, higher education development, business ethics, and economic development. She has published numerous articles in Romanian and international peer review journals, contributed with chapters in books and coordinated research grants. She served as speaker for international conferences in Poland, USA, United Arab Emirates and Romania. She is an active reviewer for conferences and journal papers, served as external reviewer for PhD thesis defended in foreign universities and is member of Editorial and Scientific Boards of several peer review journals from Romania and abroad.

Catalin PLOAE
Lecturer at the Faculty of International Business and Economics at ASE Bucharest. He holds a Ph.D. in International Business, a postdoctoral degree (at the Romanian Academy) and an MA in Marketing (University of Lille, France). Member in 20 projects (development of interdisciplinary research in the educational system, economic sustainability, entrepreneurship, Business and Competitive Intelligence for Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Energy) of which 12 co-financed by the EU. Author/co-author of 6 books, 3 book chapters, 43 international peer reviewed articles, contributions to conference proceedings.